Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Today we started the actual excavating of the excavation. I sat in my box and put pieces of pottery in one bag and animal bones in another while putting dirt and stones in a bucket for about two and a half hours in the hot sun (the shade was placed in the wrong spot, it covered everything around where we intended to excavate. So, they moved it and whatyaknow my box was still out in the sun). After work, we went to Capharnaum. Here are some pics of the fourth-century synagogue, built on top of the first-century synagogue where Christ taught, the ruins of the Byzantine church on the site of St. Peter's house, and the church built above these ruins. We also went to the Mount of Beatitudes, but by that point, my camera was hallas.

(Hallas is the best Arabic word ever except for possibly habibi/habibti. It translates to 'enough,' but it is used to mean enough, finished, leave me alone, stop it, and even to mean death of disappearence if a thing is in a state of hallas.)

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