Friday, June 25, 2010

Garden Tomb

This is where the Lutherans say that Christ was crucified on Skull Rock (a rock ledge with two impressions next to each other so that they look like eye) and this first century tomb they found on their property. After hearing the case for the Holy Sepulchre, I'm going to have to put my money there. For one, Skull Rock sounds too piratey for Jerusalem. I think that if it's a hill where you execute people regularly, that's enough to merit the name Golgotha. And, if someone was to carry a cross that far from the city, I think they'd die prematurely and I don't think the crowds would follow, but... the Protestants have a place to celebrate Easter and they have maintained a beautiful garden with a genuine first-century tomb. Here are some pictures that a man from California, but who used to live in the Springs, took of me.

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