Friday, June 4, 2010

In the Beginning

"God created the Heavens and the earth and the earth was a formless wasteland and darkness covered the abyss" (Gen 1:1). At the beginning of my expedition, I was sitting at the kitchen table after having just finished the chaotic process of packing a few shirts and a couple pairs of pants in my two small suitcases, having stood back and panicked at the thought that this is supposed to last me two months somehow, and then having established this blog in order to please my parents from whom all funding cometh. I leave Denver tomorrow morning on a standby flight to Newark, two hour layover, standby to Tel-Aviv - a nine and a half hour flight and six hour time change and it's already tomorrow. Sunday morning I catch a bus to a bus transfer station outside ben-Gurion airport, where I catch a bus to the Jerusalem bus transfer center, where I catch a bus that takes me to the Notre Dame Center or nearby, I hope. Then I walk in and proclaim, "Hey, I'm that American kid that Br. Edward said would be coming. I hope you want me, because regardless you're going to have to deal with me for the next month." At that point something will happen of which you are just as informed as I - I know I'm staying somewhere, I'm doing some type of work, I'm eating food of some variety, and I'm in Jerusalem; that's about it at this point. Wish me luck. Keep me in your prayers and fondest thoughts. Now, I prepare to enter into the abyss of international travel and practical uncertainty. Shalom!


  1. Stay safe Josh. You'll be in my prayers.

  2. Glad you arrived safely. You've already had quite an adventure. We're praying for you.
    We love you.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What a great experience!
    If you have time, you know your Papa could use some extra prayers.
