Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tower of David

This is the Tower of David, near the Jaffa Gate in the Center of the western wall of the Old City. It actually has no real affiliation to David, his city extended from the Siloam Pool south of the Jewish Quarter up through part of that quarter. That's all on the east side of the Old City. It's a fortress built by Sultan Suleiman in the 1400's from these three guard towers erected by Herod the Great. It's now a museum of the history of Jerusalem. There are some ruins in the center. There's also a great panoramic view of the city from the Phasael guard tower. Enough talk, here are the pics.

1 comment:

  1. Recognizing that there are no vowel markings, so I could be wrong, I'm pretty sure the last picture reads: muz'eun toledot yerushalaim. I like the English cognate for museum. Oh, modern Hebrew, you fail.

    I'm so jealous of you right now, Josh.

    JEW FACT OF THE DAY: There are more museums in Israel than in any other country in the world.
