Saturday, June 19, 2010

Top Pics Yesterday - Part Two

Yesterday, I went to the Lutheran Church of Christ the Redeemer, I then went into the tower and looked at the city, I then walked down the Via Dolorosa toward the Churches of the Flagellation and Condemnation at the first two stations, got intercepted by a street tour guide who wanted to show and explain the third and fourth station to me, I explained while he explained trying to hint that I know about these places and I've been here before, but then I accompanied him as he led me into the Austrian Hospice, which I did not think I could get into alone, as it is locked as only those who are staying at the Hospice are supposed to stay, but, he pushed our way through, and we made it to the roof where we had a wonderful view of the city, and then I gave him fifteen shekels and thanked him gratuitously for kindly showing me the sights, and then he demanded fifty and then I gave him the only other six shekels I had with me, and then he looked disappointed, and then I went to the beginning of the Via Dolorosa, and then the Franciscans led a Stations of the Cross up the Via Dolorosa to the Holy Sepulchre, reading each station in Spanish, English, Portuguese, Polish, and a fifth language I could not distinguish, and then we made it to Calvary and the Sepulchre and it was really powerful, and then I returned to the Notre Dame Center and worked in the shop for the rest of my evening.

(I'll put Part 1 on later today)

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